Stroudsburg PA​
We are Troop 300, a BSA Troop located in the Pocono Mountains of northeastern Pennsylvania. The mission of BSA is to "prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law." Troop 300's mission is to do that while having FUN! The Boy Scout model is to be "Boy Led/Adult Guided." The Scouts are in charge and make the decisions about meeting agendas and camping destinations. Adult leaders provide an environment that allows boys to experience what it means to be a "boy scout." If this sounds like something you (or your son) would be interested in for yourselves, PLEASE feel free to stop by and visit us any Tuesday night at 7 PM. If you have any questions about Scouting or the way this troop operates, please check out our FAQ page.
Troop 300 is part of the Pocono District within Minsi Trails Council. The Council serves nearly 11,000 youth through the leadership of 5,000 adult volunteers. The Council provides programs to youth throughout the Anthracite Region, Pocono Mountains and Lehigh Valley in Pennsylvania along with western New Jersey and serves six-counties: Lehigh, Northampton, Monroe, Carbon, Luzerne, and Warren counties. The local Scouting heritage dates back more than 100 years to 1910 when the council’s first Scout troops were established in the Allentown and Easton areas. For more information:
Our Sponsoring Organization
Faith United Methodist Church​
1160 Clause Drive, Stroudsburg PA 18360
(570) 424-0712​
Scouting Information
Boy Scouts of America
BSA Health Forms NEW!
Scout Campgrounds
Camp Minsi

Leader Links
Minsi Trails Council for all required background checks
BSA for required Youth Protection Training for all volunteers
Other Cool Sites
National Park Service
Boys Life Magazine​​