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BSA Troop 300 Annual Awards

Updated: Feb 12, 2022

Assistant Scoutmaster Lawry Simon received the BSA Troop 300 annual Ray Dewar Jr Award for Adult Leadership! This award honors leaders who have gone above and beyond in their service to our Troop and Scouts! Mr Simon had an outstanding 2021, attending and running a significant amount of events for the Troop, including bike rides, backpacking trips, Philmont, and Klondike 2022! Thanks Mr Simon!

Eagle Scout James Haggerty received the annual BSA Troop 300 Scout Spirit Award for 2021, nominated by the Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters of BSA Troop 300. This award recognizes Scouts who have attended both meetings and events in large numbers during the year, and helped in leading other Scouts in events and activities. James attended almost all events in 2021, including biking, backpacking, Philmont, and National Youth Leadership Training through Minsi Trails Council!

Mrs Terrie Dewar was on hand at the Court of Honor to distribute the awards to Mr Simon and James Haggerty.

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